Differential Operators

Aug 28 2024


The differential operator DD is the generalized notion of taking a derivative of a function. Dy:=ddxyD y := \frac{d}{dx} y If we apply this operator many times, we get successive derivatives of higher orders: D(Dy)=D2y=d2ydx2Dn=dndxnD(D y) = D^2 y = \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2} \to D^n = \frac{d^n}{dx^n}

Now, recall the structure of an ordinary, linear differential equation with constant coefficients: andndxny+an1dn1dxn1y++a1ddxy+a0ya_n \frac{d^n}{dx^n} y + a_{n - 1}\frac{d^{n-1}}{dx^{n-1}} y + \cdots + a_1 \frac{d}{dx} y + a_0 y Note that every term of this general equation contains a yy. Excusing the abuse of notation, we will therefore factor the yy out of each term, leaving us with (andndxn+an1dn1dxn1++a1ddx+a0)y\left(a_n \frac{d^n}{dx^n} + a_{n - 1}\frac{d^{n-1}}{dx^{n-1}} + \cdots + a_1 \frac{d}{dx} + a_0\right)y Using what we defined earlier, we can express this notationally as (anDn+an1Dn1++a1D1+a0D0)y(a_n D^n + a_{n-1}D^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1 D^1 + a_0 D^0) y Putting aside the fact that this is a much cleaner way of expressing our differential equation, we now have a polynomial in DD as an operator on yy. We call this a polynomial differential operator p(D)p(D), where p(D)=anDn+an1Dn1++a1D+a0=k=0nakDkp(D) = a_n D^n + a_{n - 1}D^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1 D + a_0 = \sum_{k = 0}^n a_k D^k This polynomial pp is known as the characteristic polynomial of the differential equation.

As a consequence, we can now use some techniques from polynomial algebra to find solutions to linear differential equations.



As the derivative itself is a linear operation, the DD operator (and others involving it), too, follows the principle of linearity. That is, p(D)[c1y1+c2y2]=c1p(D)y1+c2p(D)y2p(D) [c_1 y_1 + c_2 y_2] = c_1 p(D) y_1 + c_2 p(D) y_2

Sum Rule

For polynomial operators p(D)p(D) and q(D)q(D), we can split the sum of pp and qq acting upon a function: [p(D)+q(D)]y=p(D)y+q(D)y[p(D) + q(D)] y = p(D) y + q(D) y

Multiplication Rule

For some polynomial operator defined as the product of two others: p(D)=a(D)b(D)p(D) = a(D) \cdot b(D) When we apply p(D)p(D) to a function yy, we are effectively applying b(D)b(D) to yy, and then applying a(D)a(D) to its result: p(D)y=a(D)(b(D)y)p(D) y = a(D) (b(D) y) First consider a simple case, where a(D)=Dma(D) = D^m and b(D)=cDkb(D) = c \cdot D^k, where cc is just a constant. a(D)b(D)=DmcDk=cDm+ka(D) \cdot b(D) = D^m \cdot c \cdot D^k = c \cdot D^{m + k} Note that this only works when cc is a constant; were it a function, we would have had to apply the product rule. Since the above example was done in generality, it extends to every possible term of a(D)a(D) and b(D)b(D) by linearity. If both a(D)a(D) and b(D)b(D) have constant coefficients, then, it is possible to commute the two operators and maintain the same product: p(D)=a(D)b(D)=b(D)a(D)p(D) = a(D) \cdot b(D) = b(D) \cdot a(D)

Substitution Rule

First consider the function y=eaxy = e^{ax}. Each nth derivative of yy yields itself times some constant, as per the properties of the exponential function. More specifically, Dn(eax)=aneaxD^n (e^{ax}) = a^n e^{ax} When passed to a polynomial differential operator p(D)p(D), we obtain the exact same polynomial but in aa -- we substitute DD for aa, hence the name of this rule. p(D)eax=p(a)eaxp(D) e^{ax} = p(a) e^{ax}

Exponential Shift

Observe what happens when we apply DD to the product function eaxye^{ax} y. By the product rule, D(eaxy)=eaxDy+yDeax=eaxDy+yaeaxD (e^{ax} y ) = e^{ax} D y + y D e^{ax} = e^{ax} D y + y a e^{ax} Through some abuse of notation, we can turn that last expression into D(eaxy)=eax(D+a)yD (e^{ax} y ) = e^{ax} (D + a) y Successive cases for higher powers of DD can be proven through induction: Dn(eaxy)=eax(D+a)nyD^n (e^{ax} y ) = e^{ax} (D + a)^n y Through the principle of linearity (and superposition), we find the exponential shift rule: p(D)(eaxy)=eaxp(D+a)yp(D) (e^{ax} y) = e^{ax} p(D + a) y


Recall Euler's formula: eiax=cos(ax)+isin(ax)e^{iax} = \cos(ax) + i \sin(ax) Given some sinusoidal input, such as sinx\sin{x}, we can express it as either the real or, in this case, imaginary part of its corresponding complex exponential: sinx=Im[eix]\sin{x} = \text{Im}[ e^{ix}] Using this formulation, we can use the exponential shift or substitution rules to find the output after applying some p(D)p(D) to the sinusoid, and taking the corresponding component (real or imaginary).

Homogeneous Equations

For a homogeneous equation p(D)y=0p(D) y = 0 the solutions will take the form of erxe^{rx}, where rr is a root of the polynomial pp. rr is a k-fold root of pp, then the kk linearly independent solutions yielded will be of the form erx,xerx,,xk1erxe^{rx}, xe^{rx}, \cdots, x^{k-1} e^{rx} If rr is complex, we use Euler's formula to convert the complex exponential to sinusoids. Note that sin\sin and cos\cos are linearly independent functions.

Finding the Particular Solution

Exponential inputs

A non-homogeneous linear differential equation of the form p(D)y=eaxp(D) y = e^{ax} has a particular solution of the form yp=eaxp(a)y_p = \frac{e^{ax}}{p(a)} If the characteristic polynomial instead has some ss-fold zero at aa (meaning that we'd need to multiply by another function to ensure linear independence), the particular solution takes the form yp=xseaxp(s)(a)y_p = \frac{x^s e^{ax}}{p^{(s)}(a)} For sinusoidal inputs, we can revisit our strategy of expressing our sinusoid as either the real or imaginary part of a complex exponential. Once we find the particular solution through the given formulas, we may then apply either Re\text{Re} or Im\text{Im} to find our ypy_p.